Looking for a Physiotherapy session in Lisbon?
Do you live in Lisbon and are looking for physiotherapy? At Shift You we try to face the body as a whole, where the physical part is as subject to the stresses of everyday life as the mental and emotional. Whether it is a result of any situation you have been subjected to or post-op, you can find with us the best professionals ready to help you.
What is Physoterapy?
Physiotherapy aims to help its patients achieve greater autonomy, well-being and quality of life. It is beneficial for healthy people, cardiac patients or high competition athletes. It works to improve the connection between the brain and the body’s movement. It aims to make the movement as effective as possible, promoting the correct activation of muscles and good postural alignment, as well as effective breathing.
Physiotherapy specializes in the following areas: musculoskeletal, neurological, cardio respiratory, pediatric and women’s health.
What is Physiotherapy indicated for?
Muscle pain, muscle injuries, tendons and ligaments, fractures and rehabilitation of orthopedic surgeries. It also includes sports injuries in amateur and professional athletes.
Central neurological lesions (strokes and spinal cord injuries) and peripheral ones, head trauma, facial paralysis, brachial plexus injuries, spinal injuries (namely herniated discs), Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Ankylosing Spondylitis, among others
Asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, sleep apnea, cancer diseases, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac and abdominal surgery rehabilitation.
Musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiorespiratory areas. The neurological and musculoskeletal aspects work in cases of prematurity, cerebral palsy, developmental delays (Ex: Down syndrome, autism), neuromuscular diseases and oncological diseases.
Pre and postpartum, stress incontinence, urgent and mixed, prolapses (Ex: uterus / bladder) and pelvic floor pathologies.
How is a Physiotherapy appointment at Shift Care?
In a first Physiotherapy session at Shift Care the patient will go through the 3 phases described below. In the following treatment sessions the evaluation will be shorter and treatments will have priority.
- Assessment: brief conversation to collect clinical data, signs and symptoms described by the patient; posture assessment and specific tests (muscle strength, sensitivity, etc.)
- Planning: design of a personalized intervention according to the information collected
- Treatment: using manual therapy techniques, electrotherapy, massage, neuromuscular taping, muscle strengthening exercises, among others, the patient is intervened
The sessions will take approximately 45 minutes.
What are the benefits of Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy helps to reduce inflammation and pain, reinforce injured parts of the body, improve stabilization and motor control, always promoting body awareness. It helps to improve posture, accelerating recovery in case of injury and preventing injuries in the future.
This therapy also has the capacity to help patients to have a more real and practical notion of their body and the way it interacts with the environment that surrounds them, being essential to overcome difficulties in all stages of life: children, young people, adults, pre and postpartum and elderly.